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Fiskars Rotary Fabric Sewing Cutting Set, 3 Pieces, Gray
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Fiskars Rotary Fabric Sewing Cutting Set, 3 Pieces, Gray

Product ID: 459223600
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Fiskars Fabric Cutting Set gets beginners or experienced sewing and quilting enthusiasts started off on the right foot with three essential tools that make measuring and cutting fabric easy and mistake-free. Our Classic Stick Rotary Cutter features a 45 mm blade perfect for cutting multiple layers of fabric and other crafting materials, the extra-large Cutting Mat is 18 inches by 24 inches and offers plenty of room to work and outlasts other mats, and the Acrylic Ruler is 6.5 inches by 24 inches and makes precise measuring easy, whether you're making straight cuts or cutting squares. This three-piece set is also a great gift for anyone in your life who wants to experience the joy and sense of accomplishment that comes with making their first sewing project, quilt or fabric craft. Fiskars products include a full lifetime warranty for as long as the consumer owns the product. Warranty does not cover sharpening, normal wear and tear, environmental factors, accidental damage, misuse, industrial or commercial use. Fiskars Rotary Fabric Sewing Cutting Set, 3 Pieces, Gray Classic Stick Rotary Cutter features a rolling 45 mm blade that cuts multiple layers and holds fabric flat for accurate, straight cuts without jagged edges Extra-large 18 inch x 24 inch Cutting Mat features an easy-to-read measuring grid and a self-healing, double-sided surface for lasting value 6.5 inch x 24 inch clear Acrylic Ruler lets you see where you're cutting and includes highlighted seam allowances for strip cutting and a grid for simplified shape cutting Store mat flat away from sunlight, heat and cold

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago

Farhan Q.

The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

2 months ago

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