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Wilton Clear Small Cellophane Treat Bags, 3 x 4-Inch (50-Count)
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Wilton Clear Small Cellophane Treat Bags, 3 x 4-Inch (50-Count)

Product ID: 460395480
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Surprise family and friends with handmade cookies, candies and cake pops, wrapped in these Wilton Clear Small Cellophane Treat Bags. Great for parties, wedding favors, homemade candies and more, these small cellophane treat bags can be filled with cake pops, chocolate-covered strawberries, homemade cookies, brownies, candy, trail mix or even little toys and gifts! Each pack contains 50 small bags measuring 3 x 4 inches. You can use these clear treat bags for wrapping up party favors for a birthday or wedding celebration or packaging up small treats for a bake sale. These cellophane treat bags are also clear, so you can easily view the contents of the bag. Package and gift your favorite homemade or store-bought treats in these small Wilton treat bags Great for wrapping edible party favors for birthdays, weddings or showers These small treat bags can be filled with store-bought candy, cake pops, chocolate-covered strawberries, homemade cookies, brownies or trail mix Can also be filled with non-food items, like little toys and gifts for goodie bags Bags can be tied shut with foil ties or ribbons (both sold separately)

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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Zainab N.

Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

1 week ago

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