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Honey Bee Acres Rainbow Ridge Rainbow Pals, 9 Miniature Doll Figures, Children Ages 3+
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Honey Bee Acres Rainbow Ridge Rainbow Pals, 9 Miniature Doll Figures, Children Ages 3+

Product ID: 473176213
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Welcome to Honey Bee Acres dollhouses, playsets, and fuzzy figures where the pretend play is sweet, and the product detail is fresh and colorful! And just over the hill is a magical place where the valley sparkles and the land is as bright as a rainbow! Welcome to Rainbow Ridge! Meet the Rainbow Pals! Each posable flocked figure wears a tie dye outfit that is removable for fun fashion play. Today the pals are playing Hide ‘n Seek. As Lucie’s counting, they all run to find hiding places. Pixie and Aura hide behind a large tree, while Luna, Levi, and Indigo hide behind the sunflowers. Mer-kitty Coral runs to the brook with Jasmine and Zeke, but she would rather swim in the water than hide! Join in the fun and create more pretend adventures together and make every day a special day! Honey Bee Acres Rainbow Ridge Rainbow Pals, 9 Miniature Doll Figures, Children Ages 3+ The toy set includes 9 miniature flocked animal figures Kids are 2.25 inches tall with posable heads, arms, and legs Each figure is dressed in removable clothing that is interchangeable with other Honey Bee Acres figures Figures are compatible with all Honey Bee Acres playsets, environments, and accessories, as well as competitor playsets Collect them all! Recommended for kids 3 years and up

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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Pooja R.

The customer service exceeded my expectations. Perfect for buying products you can't find elsewhere.

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Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

2 weeks ago

Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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