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MH Heavy Duty tower bolt Large Garden Gate Bolt Shed Bolt Sliding Door bolt Tower Bolt Black Latch Catch Dead Lock tower kitchen home improvement bolt padlock gate bolts for wooden gates Pad bolt 4"
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MH Heavy Duty tower bolt Large Garden Gate Bolt Shed Bolt Sliding Door bolt Tower Bolt Black Latch Catch Dead Lock tower kitchen home improvement bolt padlock gate bolts for wooden gates Pad bolt 4"

Product ID: 692674735
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[Item Description]: This high Quality Heavy Duty Powder Coated Finish product is ideal for home improvement and to Replace Damage/Broken Tower Bolt for Garden Doors, Shed Gates, Doors, etc This tower bolt is a locking mechanism that can be used to fasten your door or gate. This is beneficial as it could increase safety and also reduce unwanted pests from entering your land or premises. The bolt is slid into a cylindrical casing and the finger knob is rotated to keep the bolt in a locked position. This prevents the bolt from sliding open until the knob is lifted up to release it from the locked position. This would allow the bolt to then be slid open. The attractive finish of the solid steel complements the black casing so that this tower bolt can also be used indoors. This gate lock could help secure your yard which is essential if you have children or pets. The lift and slide release on the door locks guarantees that unsupervised children or pets will not be able to leave the safety of your land without parental permission when installed out of reach. The tower bolt could be perfect for multiple situations such as keeping livestock safe, increasing security and locking away valuables in the garden shed. These gate locks are surface fixed so they are easy to install and can be done by any one[Features]: Heavy Duty Black Tower Bolt Best for Physical Security of your home High Quality Black Powder Coated Finish Protection of your Gates Opening from wind, etc. [Size]: This product is currently available in 2 standard sizes. Approx. 4"/10cm/100mm and 6"/15cm/150mm [Package Include]: 1 x black tower bolts with keeps available in 4"/100mm, 6"/150mm.

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